Spring is here, bringing with it beautiful flowers with the unfortunately companion of pesky pollen. If you suffer from allergies, you might find yourself reaching for antihistamines like Telfast just to get through the day.
One issue I often see in the clinic is that the body can become accustomed to antihistamines, making them less effective over time. Many patients tell me they end up rotating between different medications to find relief throughout the season. Some even reach a point where all the drugs stop working!
Did you know there are ways to support your immune system and reduce your reliance on antihistamine medications? There are also plenty of natural antihistamines that can help you cope during spring or any other time when allergies become overwhelming.
What is hay fever?
Hay fever, or allergic rhinitis, occurs when the immune system overreacts to allergens such as pollen, dust or pet dander. Common symptoms include:
Sneezing – Sudden and frequent sneezing fits.
Runny or blocked nose – With irritating mucous discharge or congestion.
Itchy nose, throat, or eyes – Leading to frequent rubbing or scratching.
Coughing – Caused by postnasal drip or throat irritation.
Fatigue – Due to poor sleep, persistent discomfort and elevated inflammation.
Loss of smell or taste – Particularly in more severe cases.
Headache or facial pain – Caused by sinus pressure.
Ear pain or pressure – Resulting from congestion.
These symptoms tend to be seasonal, often triggered by pollen, but they can occur year-round if allergens like dust mites or mould are involved.
So here are my top tips for relieving symptoms during Spring:
Try herbal medicine
There are several natural remedies that have strong traditional use to relieve hay fever with anti-allergenic effects. These include nettle, eyebright, albizia, yarrow, butterbur, perilla, and baical skullcap.
Targeted nutrients to support immunity
Certain nutrients have been shown to reduce histamine production and in turn, alleviate the severity of allergic reactions. These include the ever-reliable vitamin C, quercetin (a natural bioflavonoid found in various fruits and vegetables), and omega-3 essential fatty acids.
Sinus irrigation
Neti pots or saline washes can be highly effective for clearing the sinuses and providing relief, especially when symptoms are particularly irritating.
Essential oils
Essential oils such as eucalyptus, peppermint, lavender, and lemon can help relieve congestion. I find using a combination in a diffuser to be particularly effective.
Support gut health
Compromised gut health has been linked to the severity of allergic reactions. Certain probiotics, including Lactobacillus paracasei (LP-33®), Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (LGG), Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM®, and Bifidobacterium lactis Bl-04 have been clinically researched and found to be beneficial in supporting allergies.
I also find that when improving the integrity of the gastrointestinal lining, allergy symptoms tend to improve. If your gut lining is inflamed and your barrier function is impaired as seen in ‘leaky gut’ syndrome, it can exacerbate the severity of the inflammatory cascade with allergen exposure.
Reduce exposure
Limiting exposure to allergens is one of the most effective ways to manage symptoms. Regularly vacuuming and mopping your home with a vacuum that has a HEPA filter can remove allergens without redistribution in the air. An air purifier can also help to filter out and limit allergens in circulation. Keep windows closed and wash bedding frequently to minimise dust mite exposure.
If mould is a trigger in your home, identify and address the source as soon as possible as this is one of the worst triggers for allergies.
If your suspect the family pet is triggering you, ask a family member or a professional groomer to wash and brush your pet outdoors regularly to reduce dander inside the home and always wash your hands after touching your pet.
These simple solutions can help you ride through Spring this year feeling better than ever.
If you’d like to learn more about any of the remedies suggested including dosages and appropriateness for your specific needs, feel free to get in touch to book a complementary discovery call or a naturopathic session.
My clinic stocks a wide range of therapeutic quality natural medicines onsite and can I can prepare a customised formula for you or provide recommendations for accessible options in your local health food store or pharmacy.